
5 of the Best Alternatives to Organic Baby Drink

Breast milk is even compared to human liquid gold by some experts who know about its nutritional source for a newborn. It enriches babies with all the best vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. Much more important it has just the right balance of them that is perfect for the little one. If you are waiting for a baby, or your loved one has already arrived, choose breast milk over every other option as it has unique antibodies that help a baby to have stronger immune system and confront infections and diseases. 

Sadly, women all over the world face some lactation complications or are even unable to lactate, so they are definitely wondering what are the best alternatives to breast milk. The good news is there are really worthy alternatives that you can take into account. People who experience the same and doctors share their opinion about different kinds of baby feeding. 

So here is the list of 5 of the best alternatives to breast milk.

1. Organic baby formulas

Baby formulas are widespread all over the world and many manufacturers work on their creation. There are so many options on the market that you can choose from. But experts strongly recommend using organic ones as they are free of different kinds of chemicals like antibiotics, preservatives, GMOs and others. European organic baby formulas are especially valuable and popular. The milk is prepared due to the strictest rules and enriched with the best nutrients necessary for a baby. If you are wondering where to buy HiPP formula or any other organic formula brands, you can simply find them in pharmacies or on websites with lots of satisfied reviews.

2. Goat’s milk

Some people believe that goat’s milk is the closest to breast milk and can easily substitute it. Of course, there are some important differences between them like the lack of folic acid or low vitamin B levels in goat’s milk that are quite essential for a child’s growth and development. Moreover, it can cause some irritation or diarrhea. But, still, this milk can be a nice option. It’s definitely less allergenic and more easily digestible than cow’s milk. So, you can try giving goat’s milk to your little one, but don’t forget about supplementing it with missing elements (vitamin B and folic acid).

3. Coconut milk

In case of refusing goat’s milk by your baby, you can give coconut milk a try. It’s a non-dairy plant-based option that is made from a coconut. The reason why this milk is appropriate for babies, it includes high fatty acid known as lauric acid. And it is the main fatty acid found in breast milk. Lauric acid has a number of advantages for children. It makes milk more digestible and, in addition, improves the immune system. So eating this milk a baby will be more resistant to viral, bacterial and fungal infections. But, it also has some disadvantages such as lacking protein and calcium. So many parents who use coconut milk, add some calcium and vitamins and mineral supplements to their baby’s food. 

4. Hemp milk

It’s fully legal and rich in vitamins, minerals, proteins and fats, that’s why it is beneficial for an infant. It is made from the seed of a hemp plant, by blending it with water. Hemp milk doesn’t cause any mind-altering effects like marijuana does, so it shouldn’t worry you. On the contrary, it consists of a number of positive elements like Omega 6, 3 and 9, magnesium, calcium, potassium and zinc. This organic milk provides essential nutrients for healthy and timely development but, still, experts have some doubts on this subject because of the lack of information.

5. Home-made formula

Nowadays, an option of home-made formula is quite popular. A lot of parents choose it as it includes all the ingredients they are sure about and it’s a more economical way to feed your baby. It may sound easy, but to make the formula yourself, you need to possess a lot of information on this topic and choose the best ingredients that your little one really needs. You can find a variety of home-made formula recipes on the Internet, but remember to make sure that it is safe and provides all the necessary calories, proteins and fat to your kid. 

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