
Where Should You Direct Social Media Ad Traffic To? Your Home Page Or A Dedicated Landing Page?

When creating adverts to feature on your social media platforms, where should you be directing all of that traffic to? Can you just send everyone directly to the homepage of your website? Or should you be creating separate landing pages for your ads?

If you are in the process of creating some social media ads and want to get the highest possible conversions, read on and we’ll tell you everything you need to know…

Where should you send your social media ad traffic?

A common question that people ask is whether or not it’s OK to send social media ad traffic to their home page and the answer is relatively straight forward:

So for example, if you have an e-Commerce website with hundreds of different products and you are pushing a specific item or promotion, sending that traffic to the homepage of your website would be a waste. Remember, you need to meet the user’s expectations. When they click on an ad they are expecting to find very specific information and being faced with a generic home page will not suffice.

However, as mentioned above, if your home page is geared towards a single type of conversion (e.g., you only sell one specific product or service), then you can direct them there. Just so long as the home page is optimised well as a landing page.

In pretty much any other instance, you should be directing social media ad traffic to a dedicated landing page.

Why is it important to send ad traffic to a landing page?

Again, it’s all about meeting expectations and maintaining momentum. If a prospective customer engages with an exciting advert about a promotion or something similarly intriguing and they end up on a generic home page, the momentum will be lost.

Some people may stick around and try to navigate their way to the relevant product or service page, but this will be very rare and it’s not worth the risk.

On the contrary, when your users are directed to a highly targeted landing page that was designed especially with that social media advert in mind, your conversion rates will be significantly higher!


In conclusion, you should almost always send ad traffic to a dedicated landing page. Again, unless your website is geared towards one very specific conversion type, you should never direct traffic to the home page from social media ads.

Meet expectations and maintain momentum by directing traffic to a world-class landing page.

This agency specialises in advertising on social media in Singapore and can help you create killer ads with dedicated landing pages that will ensure optimal conversions. If you are ready to start smashing the paid ads and leveraging your social media accounts, now is the time!

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