
How to Achieve High Corn Yields

Of course, corn production is dependent on favorable weather conditions. However, there are additional factors that can improve your corn production potential. This guide will take you through the tips and tricks you need to improve your corn production potential.


Over the past few years, corn yield has increased—thanks to the availability of information and the use of technologies. Nowadays, you can easily predict your corn yield. Things like the corn yield estimation calculator have made it easy to predict what you expect from your farm. Still more, modern farming practices have eliminated pests and greatly improved corn yield production. In a nutshell, science and technology have greatly impacted corn yield production.

Control Ryegrass

Ryegrass can be extremely harmful to your corn. And it’s often resistant to ALS, as well as, glyphosate herbicides. Plus, ryegrass populations can’t be easily controlled after your corn plants emerge. So, be sure to devise a strategic plan for curbing their growth before your crops emerge.

Top scientists have developed effective management techniques for controlling ryegrass competition in corn production systems. According to them, the first thing a farmer needs to do is to spray their plants with a fall-applied residual herbicide then apply a spring-applied contact herbicide with various modes of action to inhibit the growth of weeds before the corn emergence.

Crop Rotation

When it comes to corn farming, crop rotation is extremely important. It plays a significant role in improving soil properties, reducing the risk of weed infestation, and enhancing crop yields.

Plant During Positive Soil Conditions

One of the most common seedling limitations is cool soil temperature. When the soil is wet, compaction is more likely to occur. And this could restrict root development. Cool temperatures can also hinder your plants’ stand success and growth uniformity.

High-Quality Starter Fertilizer

Are you looking for ways to boost your farm’s productivity? Well, it’s time you consider investing in high-quality starter fertilizers. Corn often responds better to phosphorous, which increases early plant vigor and maturity. Zinc is another starter fertilizer that can enhance crop response and efficacy.

Work on Fertility Issues

Fix all fertility issues. Remember, fertility is key to your plants’ health. If you fail to supply your corn with high fertility, then you aren’t probably in the game. When your nutrient supply becomes limited, your crop response will be automatically restricted. Be generous with your phosphorous, magnesium, as well as, potassium supply. It’s also important to note that neutral soil pH can restrict the availability of various nutrients.

Narrow Row Spacing Is The Real Deal

Avoid wide-row planting. This will only limit your corn’s ability to utilize important resources such as light, water, as well as, nutrients. Researchers have found that narrow rows improve crop response and enhance productivity.

Improve the Efficiency of Furrow Irrigation

Furrow irrigation is all about timing. That’s why you should institute measures that can optimize furrow irrigation efficiency as well as timing. This will play a key role when it comes to reducing water, fuel, as well as an irrigation-based set time. In most cases, it can reduce this time to about 20 percent and still maintain good yield potential. Still more, adopting this method can cut down on fuel consumption by at least 10 dollars per one acre. Still more, you should use available methods when it comes to assessing soil moisture. Doing so will help you ascertain when to irrigate and possible irrigation intervals. This is not only cost-effective but also an efficient way to improve your corn yield. In these cases, consider tapping into technology. In particular, invest in scientifically proven irrigation scheduling tools, soil moisture sensors, and transpiration gauges. This method can significantly reduce the use of irrigation to at least 40 percent while helping you improve corn yield.

Work on Soil Health

When it comes to growing corn, soil health is everything. Good soil health will mean higher corn yields. Thus, consider recycling corn residue. It will play a key role when it comes to enhancing productivity and improving soil tilt. Still more, this helps the soil improve its overall water retention ability and nutrient availability.

Also, recycling corn residue helps improve infiltration, reduce evaporation, and help the soil resist erosion. So, don’t burn the corn yields. It will limit the soil’s potential. Recycle it to rebuild your soil and improve corn yields.

The Importance of Measuring Yield

Nowadays, production is everything. Smart agriculture entails practicing high yield-based agriculture. Here, there is no wastage of land, plants, fertilizer, labor, and time. That’s why crop yield is everything when it comes to planting corn. Plus, the modern economy entails doing things efficiently. This like maximum utilization of space, labor, etc. can affect your crop yields.

Plant Early, Plant Effectively

Timing is an important aspect of corn farming. Choose the best time to plant your corn. Start planting as soon as the soil is ready. Consider performing soil tests before planting your corn. Early planting has been credited for increased corn production.

Understand Yield Potential

Planning your seeds and hoping to get the best isn’t enough. It’s important to estimate your yield potential. Understand your farm’s potential. Understand the kind of seeds you want to plant. Ask plant producers to help you get a good estimate. This will help you in expectation management. It will also help you estimate the amount of money you can reserve for your corn production.

Other Tips

The following are additional tips and tricks you should use to boost your corn yields:

The Bottom-Line

It’s the joy of every farmer to have maximum corn production. That’s why you should have the right information before planting your corn. For instance, the above tips and tricks will help you achieve your corn production potential.

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