
The Most Common Email Marketing Mistakes And How To Avoid Them When Managing Your Campaign

Emails are still one of the most effective ways of communicating and marketing, but only if you use them correctly. Far too many businesses are losing out on potential profits, exposure and engagement. This is because they pay too much attention to other, flashier types of marketing, and too little on their email campaign.

Some of the best, most experienced businesses will still make rookie mistakes when it comes to their email marketing. Read on to learn from their mistakes and help make your email marketing campaign a success today…

Such a seemingly small and silly mistake, but a single typo can jar the reader out of the meaning of your email and leave them focused only on the incorrect word or phrase. Leaving typos in shows that you don’t really care that much – not an ideal impression to give.

Another huge mistake that companies make is in failing to truly think through their campaign. The kind of email you would send to encourage new customers is not the same that would necessarily bring back someone who had abandoned a cart or bought from you before. Define a goal and then come up with a proper plan to achieve it.

Your lists of email addresses need to be carefully and properly sorted into groups depending on who they are, what they want, and the above-mentioned goal you have for your campaign. There is no point in sending out a coupon for a local service to everyone in your mailing list when some people live halfway around the world. Be specific and you will get much better returns.

Even if you nail your email and it is beautifully written, clear and sent to the right people, you can still fall down at the last hurdle. Many email marketers have put in the wrong link for their CTA (Call to Action), or have forgotten to put in any link whatsoever. These kinds of mistakes are precisely why so many businesses turn to experts like the best SEO company in Sydney for their marketing.

Most of us will at some point have sent out an email with Dear_, failing to have specified the name of the individual. Many companies have a set placeholder for names, which if they aren’t careful can be sent out unchanged. Personalization tags can be used to insert dynamic content and tailor your offer to each individual, but not if they aren’t used correctly.

A proper schedule can help your customers know what to expect, building reliability and trust. If they know you will send a weekly email, they may be more likely to actually open it than if you just sent random emails whenever you felt like it. The downside is that once you establish a schedule you have to stick to it or risk losing all the trust you have built.

Final thoughts

These are really just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to email marketing mistakes, but as you can see there are several consistent themes. Make sure that you know what you are sending, who you are sending it to, and why. Always, always check over your content, links, names, and addresses before sending. And remember that if you are struggling to make your email marketing work for you, an experienced marketing company can help.

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